Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sea shells by the sea shore?

This week I continue our tour around Detroit, The People Mover keeps moving around and around. 

This weekend I watched a movie that asked the question, “ When a butterfly leaves its cocoon, does it see how beautiful its become, or does it still see a caterpillar?” 

This is a great question and is true about art, we all see it in our own way. We see the world through our life experiences and art is no exception to this rule, this is why I am so passionate about art and classical music. The tile work here is very similar to something you would find in Art works from India. 

This is a great introduction to our next stop on our great journey around Detroit. Ms. Tobin is the next artist I would like to talk about after spending a year in India she was inspired to create the tile work at Fort / Cass Station (picture to the left). 

Here is the story from The People Movers website: 
“The artist spent a year in India and was very much influenced by the Islamic tiles found there. The famous Taj Majal in India has tiles with similar design. The design is based on a pattern of very large red X's and smaller black X's. For the glaze on some of the tiles, the artist used ash from the Mt. St. Helen volcano eruption. This piece was very tedious to install. It took six weeks, seven days a week to complete.” 

This is an untitled piece of art but the tile isn’t alone Fort / Cass also has a sculpture that is named Progression II, its made out of bronze this was the work of a woman named Sandra Jo Osip (the picture to the right). I see a form of evolution like a river wears away the land. It looks to me like a shell that has evolved over time.  

What do you see when looking at the pictures? 
Do you think a butterfly sees the beauty it possesses? 
Do we see the greatness in our own life, our own beauty or purpose?


1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful article and definitely caught my interest, since I'm originally from India and lived for a few years in the city of Taj Mahal! “When a butterfly leaves its cocoon, does it see how beautiful it has become, or does it still see a caterpillar?” I'm guessing, part of both!:)

    I enjoyed reading about Ms. Tobin's visit to India and her shared information. Thanks for sharing this interesting information about Ms. Tobin's visit to India and the richness of Detroit! We must see the greatness in our own life, our beauty and purpose - with humility of course!
