Sunday, February 5, 2012

Moving on up

Title: On the Move
Artist: Kirk Newman
Our next stop on The Detroit People Mover is Michigan Ave., and has two works of art at this stop. The first one I see when at this stop is the one called "On The Move" that I mention above by Kirk Newman. Kirk had envisioned the people running to catch the train with briefcases in hand. I am sure we have all been in a hurry to get somewhere before. However, most of us have a car and can just drive faster to make up lost time. This isn't the same in a big city, when you have to ride a train, you must run to catch the one thats about to leave. The station has two works of art On the Move is one and the "Voyage" by Allie McGhee is pictured to the right. I do like the art at this train station its contemporary and different. However, I feel that the rushing people have a reason to be in a hurry and its to get back to work after a long yummy lunch at a local coney island. Michigan Ave. stop on The Detroit People Mover is home to the coney war and one of the greatest bus stops of all time. What would Detroit be without a Coney Island the coney war has been going on in Detroit for some time now. I like  Lafayette Coney Island myself but we all have our own reasons.

What one do you like the most, Lafayette Coney Island or American Coney Island?
 I mentioned a bus stop earlier and would like to talk for a second about what makes it great. First off, its Rosa Parks bus stop and provided a picture to the right. This stop was in memory of what Rosa Parks did for civil rights. So once again we have art that will catch your eye but the story behind it is much better. I realize that this is just my story but I would love to hear your story, tell me what you think about Rosa Parks or what Coney Island is better, or even talk about the art. I have enjoyed the "On The Move" art and still like the idea that we are all in a hurry to get no where fast. Sometimes I think when we rush it never works in our favor. Life lesson slow down and enjoy your time here, before its too late. 

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